All Episodes
Displaying 181 - 210 of 460 in total
Problem: loading JS assets synchronously
Dive deep with me
Black Friday baby
What a spectacle
Hard to complain from this five star hotel
“You never told me being rich was so lonely. Nobody know me, oh well. Hard to complain from this five star hotel”"Nemo said to keep my foot on necks 'cause I can't let...
Launch day thoughts
Thoughts from a man celebrating a launch alone in his office
My neck hurts and chairs suck
You heard it here
Being a visionary living in the real world
We have a great inspiration right in front of our faces
I have a lotta weird thoughts on money
Welcome to my brain
Nobody cares about you
A framework for socializing
Another brick on the wall
the way i feel right now
Re-recording old screencasts & Livewire validation rules
Yea, title says it all
Knowing and not knowing and not caring
A programming thought
Static partials in Livewire
oh so much fun
How to be a 100x developer
Use Laravel
Teach and be dumb
Teach what's exciting before it's not, and be ok when people tell you're a dumb noob
The power of the walk
Mmmm it's a powerful thing
Ugh, safari (mobile dialogs and screen stuff)
Safari, how you continue to elude me with your wonky-ass behavior
Studio time
Thoughts about time in the studioJohn's newest album:
I love work right now so much
Work is so great right now, lemme tell ya bout it
Programming toilets
We can learn a lot from a toilet
The cities of the future are here
...and they're called villages
Trashy radios
Feel again; smell of dusty road tires peeling in. Trashy radios. Hood ornaments.
How can I get people unstuck
Wanna brainstorm something with me?
Compression vs. Colocation
I just had a programming thought about a competing value to colocation - enjoy
The crinkle of the leaves
I threw up a song and I want to play it for you and talk about it with you. Enjoy!
Shipping things in order
My way is not the best way... but it's what works for me
Screencasting is nice
Indeed it is
Commit to the trick
Skateboarding, babies, Philo, and software...
The forest is enchanting
I just got back from a trip and want to tell you a bunch of little random things about it.
JS frameworks are all the same (or becoming that way)
I just watched the video on Svelte 5 runes - random thought