All Episodes

Displaying 31 - 60 of 461 in total

You can only Explore™ so much

The kitchen metaphor

Explore -> Execute (my new framework for doing)


Make screens not the most fun thing in your house

Tasting burnout

How to not feel scummy about sending emails

Black Friday pricing back and forth

Find out what people are saying behind your back

Don't be scared. You can do it.

Saving money and dying early

You know what the bug reports are gonna be

Who even needs tests

Everything I learned today


I live for the things unseen

San Antonio

We took a trip

What do I want?

What even is a multi-select

On being a super dad

Grab bag

A good boy

I love my backpack and bought another one

All black everything

I got a new keyboard

Be specific in your criticisms

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