All Episodes

Displaying 451 - 461 of 461 in total

SFP: The Single File Principle

Let's chat about a super practical pattern I use in everyday life. Often when I'm adding a feature or a "concern" I try to isolate the entire changeset to one file. It...

My DOM Diffing Woes

Now that you understand DOM diffing, you can commiserate with me, and help brainstorm a fork in the road I'm dealing with. Do I keep improving an existing package? Or ...

How DOM Diffing/Patching Works

Words like "virtual dom", "dom diffing and patching", "vDom", and "render functions" are all intimidating (spoiler: they're not actually). However, they are a HUGE par...

New Design Pattern: The Plugin Pattern

I'm sitting in my office, about to make a decent size refactor to Livewire's core, and thought I'd tell you about it!

Smart Polling

Livewire aims to be thrifty when it comes to resource usage (ajax requests being the biggest). Here is an example of a little feature I recently implemented with a rea...

Not On NPM

I want Livewire to require as little configuration as possible. The fewer things the user has to do to get up and running and productive, the better. Here is an exampl...

The Evolution Of Validation

Often times, the obvious interface for a feature is not-so-obvious when you're writing it. The process of not settling for less is invigorating to me, and this episode...

The Evolution Of The Make Command

The "make:livewire" command is one of the first things a new Livewire user types. It feels natural, and lacking in surprise. Surprisingly, it was quite a long road tha...

The Name

Naming things is really hard. Livewire is no exception. Today we'll talk about where the name came from, how it's evolved, and how it is still evolving.

But Does It Scale?

The question that has haunted me since the beginning, and how I overcame the fear of it.


Welcome to the new podcast. This episode is a quick intro to the project.

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