All Episodes
Displaying 271 - 300 of 460 in total
I'm a builder
If I had to identify with one thing, it'd be that.
Don't settle
You can produce results greater than your abilities if you simply choose to not settle.
Livewire's new core
I'm building the new core for Livewire and want to tell you a little bit about it
The simple way I track money
I used to be all complex about money tracking, now I'm not...
Selling door to door
I've been doing door to door sales - it's pretty fun
Paternity leave and twitter
What I'm feeling about twitter these days
We had a kid
Yeah, so that happened
Knowledge signaling
I'm the only person who cares how smart I am:
Put something out into the world
Sometimes paid, sometimes free
Taylor's comments
they're so pretty right?
When I feel washed up
Sometimes I feel washed up. It's not really a bad thing though...
Fun with JavaScript memory leaks
I'm getting better at discovering and being aware of memory leaks in my JS code
Testing our launch with a subset of people
Test everything.
Why I suck at design
It sucks, but I suck, and here's why.
Don't launch stuff at conferences
It seems like a good idea. In general, it's not.
Some marketing failures with Alpine Components
Let's talk about the bad stuff
How the Alpine Components launch went
Jason and I just launched a thing. Let's talk about how it went
No such thing as passive income
Or is there?
Prepping for a conference talk
Some thoughts on this time around (it's going well)
Introducing: The TodoQueue Method
Prepare yourself
Task looping
Tasks spawn other tasks
The hedonic treadmill
Step off.
I'd like to create a bigger web of thoughts
I think I'm working with a smaller set of thoughts than I...think
Chrome tab groups are awesome
You heard it here...
Aim higher, miss higher
Kinda like "aim small, miss small", but different...
Get good at dusting stuff off
I just want to be a healthy accomplisher of things
Do stuff that can be "done" & start with the thing you least want to do
Woah - two huge lessons for me
Cons of web3
Let's talk cons...
Pros of web3
One (or two) thing I hope we take away from all this web3 stuff
Walking away from opportunity
I'm walking away from something...